
Safeguarding is a priority here at All Saints, Rushton. We are committed to following government and Church of England guidelines on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults and good working practice, including safer recruitment of volunteers and paid workers. 


Safeguarding Policy Statement 

We work to a formal safeguarding policy and procedure which can be seen below. Alternatively, you can request a copy from our Parish Safeguarding Officer - see contact details below.

Safeguarding Policy Statement



Safeguarding contacts

If you have any concerns regarding the safety or welfare of a child or vulnerable adult you can speak to the contacts shown below. They have been appointed by the Peterborough Diocese and All Saints Church Rushton PCC to respond to any safeguarding concerns.



Victoria Kellet, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers, Tel: 01733 887040

Angie Barber, Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, Tel:01773 887039

Mrs Jackie Hands, Parish Safeguarding Officer, Tel: 07484 790862

Useful contacts list 






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